Time and Navigation | The Untold Story of Getting from Here to There

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If you want to know where you are, you need a good clock.

This beautifully illustrated book covers the breadth of navigation history. It begins with the early history of navigation at sea, including the eighteenth-century development of the marine chronometer and solving the problem of measuring longitude. Explorers then turned their sights to the skies; the need to navigate in the air led to the development of bubble sextants and instruments used by Charles Lindbergh as well as the electronic methods used during World War II. The space race required new technology for navigating in space, including the atomic clock. The next phase in navigation history was the invention of satellite systems for navigating on the Earth. The book also explores the ubiquity of global navigation systems in day-to-day modern life with GPS devices, smartphones, and other personal electronics. Complete with bios about pioneering navigators as well as missteps in technology that led to later navigation advances, Time and Navigation explores the history of navigation technology and its social implications. It helps us understand where we have been, how we got there, and where we are going. ANDREW K. JOHNSTON is a geographer at the National Air and Space Museum, where he performs research and outreach about earth and space science. ROGER D. CONNOR is curator of instruments and avionics at the National Air and Space Museum. CARLENE E. STEPHENS is the curator of timekeeping at the National Museum of American History. PAUL E. CERUZZI is the curator of aerospace electronics and computing at the National Air and Space Museum.


This surprising connection between time and place has been true for centuries and is now being explored in Time and Navigation: The Untold Story of Getting from Here to There, the companion book to the National Air and Space Museum exhibition of the same name.

The Untold Story of Getting from Here to There


Two of the world’s largest museums have come together to present Time and Navigation. The Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum possesses one of the largest collections of aviation and space artifacts in the world. The Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History explores the richness and complexity of the nation’s history.

FOR MORE INFORMATION: timeandnavigation.si.edu


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TIME and NAVIGATION The Untold Story of Getting from Here to There

Andrew K. Johnston Roger D. Connor Carlene E. Stephens Paul E. Ceruzzi

Smithsonian Books Washington, D.C.

TIME and PLACE Connection


NAVIGATING at SEA Instruments to find and keep time revolutionized the way mariners crossed the oceans.

By 1700, rival European nations were exploring the world’s oceans in search of wealth, power, and prestige. But mapmakers knew only about half of Earth’s surface with any detail. To make traveling dangerous waters safer, people developed better maps, navigation techniques, and clocks.





hey were alone and in trouble at the edge of the world. The crew of USS Peacock had sailed into the Antarctic bay to try to land. They knew that the icy

barrier they had been following was in fact the shoreline of Antarctica, and they had a chance to be the first to ever set foot on the continent. Frozen floes covered the surface of the water in every direction around them, but straight ahead stretched an opening of smooth dark-green water. The weather was clear and pleasant, the wind light. Nearby an immense iceberg, higher than the masts, loomed like a protective wall. The men paused in the open water to take some soundings.



USS Peacock trapped against an ice wall in Antarctica in 1840. Engraving from artwork made by Alfred T. Agate.



ABOVE: Navigational dividers, probably German, eighteenth century, used to measure the distance between two points on a chart to mark a ship’s position. OPPOSITE: Frontispiece to The Mariners Mirrour, a collection of sea charts from the sixteenth century. Navigation instruments (top to bottom down each side) are the quadrant, astrolabe, cross staff, dividers, and compass. Each male figure along the sides holds a lead line.



n 1300, medieval Europe was isolated and unaware of much of the rest of the world. By 1700, European maritime empires vied for wealth and power around the globe they were beginning to explore. Efforts to expand geographic knowledge, markets, and colonies in those four hundred years stimulated a revolution in navigation. Beginning in the 1330s, Genoese and Venetian merchants and mariners from Catalan Majorca sailed out of the Mediterranean, past Gibraltar, and into the Atlantic. Some headed north after English wool, and others, carried by the Atlantic’s winds, into previously unknown waters to the west and south. Exploration and detailed mapping followed in the central part of the eastern Atlantic Ocean. After 1453, with the fall of Constantinople to the Ottoman Empire, the new Muslim rulers cut off traditional lucrative trading routes to Asia from the Christian West, and European commercial interests stimulated a focused search for new routes to Asia. Medieval European sailing had depended on the personal knowledge of known sailing routes. Most of those routes kept land in sight when possible. A shipmaster, the man in charge of a merchant ship, or pilot, a specialist skilled in navigation sometimes found on the larger merchant vessels, guided the ships. They learned their skills from other seamen and repeated travels. Marine navigation had been based on what one nineteenth-century navigation expert has called “the three Ls,” log, lead, and lookout: log for determining ship’s speed, the lead and line for sounding or sampling the bottom, and lookout for the crucial attention required at all times. Two critical developments began to transform medieval navigation to modern navigation:





This K-system electromechanical computer integrated inputs from data sensors, radar, and the plane’s bombsight to navigate to a target and deliver a nuclear bomb from a B-47 or early model B-52.



he trends toward automation and electronic guidance that began in World War II proliferated during the Cold War. Military requirements continued to stimulate the greatest innovations, but many of these technologies also evolved in the civil sector. Jet aircraft operating at high subsonic speeds above the Arctic Circle posed new navigational challenges, as did the need to guide ballistic and cruise missiles to their targets. The most effective solutions were those that integrated multiple approaches, including Doppler radar, autonomous celestial fixes, and inertial navigation systems. Many wartime electronic navigation systems also evolved into accurate and reliable civil navigation systems. The rise of the Soviet Union as the principal American adversary made investigation of the problems of polar navigation a top priority in the early postwar years. The B-29 units assigned to explore this problem were carrying three navigators and one thousand pounds (450 kg) of navigational gear. New jet bombers like the Boeing B-47 traveled twice as fast, but they could accommodate only a third of the crew of a B-29. This resulted in the K-system, often described as a “magic black box,” that integrated bombsights, radar, and air position computers. This system did nothing to eliminate the weight, cost, or complexity of the earlier equipment and often increased it, but it did allow a single crewmember to navigate effectively during high-speed, low-altitude operations over polar regions without external radio aids. New techniques of navigation came into widespread use, such as Polar Grid, which eliminated difficulties of using rapidly changing

compass headings near the pole, and Pressure Pattern Flying, a new way of plotting courses to follow favorable wind patterns high in the atmosphere. The advent of autonomous celestial astronavigation systems in the late 1950s, combined with inertial navigation units, built on the early 1950s advances of the K-system to create a truly robust global navigation system on the most sophisticated strategic aircraft. However, the vast majority of military and commercial aircraft operated without the enormously expensive and heavy K-system type components, instead of relying on improvements to more conventional technologies. As transoceanic airline service became regular in the early postwar years, former military navigators brought their considerable skillsets to their peacetime occupations, including celestial navigation. With the introduction of pressurized airliners, a new concern emerged. The wartime astrodomes that facilitated celestial observation were not structurally sound under pressurization as was vividly illustrated

Republic F-84F, named Excalibur IV, flown by Charles Blair as his personal navigation research aircraft during the mid-1950s while working on long-range single pilot navigation problems.





hey boldly left Earth behind, pushing the limits of navigation. On Christmas Eve of 1968, Apollo 8 astronauts Frank Borman, William Anders, and

James Lovell were on the far side of the moon, out of contact with Earth. A rocket engine boost was required to slow the spacecraft down and enter lunar orbit. Too much of a burn and the spacecraft would crash into the surface, out of any contact with Earth. Too little and the crew would be sent off into a wandering trajectory that might have prevented their ever returning home. The maneuver, perhaps the riskiest of the whole mission, was executed perfectly. After a journey of almost a quarter of a million



James Lovell looks through the telescope in the Apollo 8 command module. His right hand is over a button that he pressed when a particular star was centered on the telescope’s crosshairs.





The GPS constellation consists of at least twenty-four satellites in six orbital planes.



n 1972, the U.S. Department of Defense decided to combine the competing satellite navigation programs from each of the services under the direction of the Air Force, with Colonel Bradford Parkinson placed in charge of the unification. Parkinson had been trained as a navigator; he also had experience with inertial navigation techniques, having worked at the MIT Instrumentation Laboratory under Charles Stark Draper. Initially, Parkinson proposed adopting the Air Force’s 621B as the new common navigation system, but this was rejected. His superiors at the Pentagon encouraged him to keep working on the problem, and in a meeting held over the Labor Day weekend in September 1973, the basic architecture of GPS was decided—an architecture that has served well to the present day. According to Parkinson, there were around a dozen different configurations being considered. The number of satellites in the constellation, their altitude, their inclination (the angle at which they cross the equator), the codes they transmitted, the locations of the atomic clocks—all these were open to debate. In essence, the system combined the best features of 621B and TIMATION with inputs from other sources. Among the decisions made in 1973 were ones that still form the structure of GPS today: GPS would be a “constellation” of at least twenty-four satellites, atomic frequency standards would be carried on each satellite, signals would be transmitted with pseudo-random coding, and ground equipment would function as passive receivers. Initially called the Defense Navigation Satellite System, it was later renamed NAVSTAR. Today it is most commonly known as the Global Positioning System (GPS).





ABOVE: Two regulators, made by Sigmund Riefler of Munich, Germany, in a clock vault at the U.S. Naval Observatory, about 1905. OPPOSITE: Advertisement for the Synchronome Company’s free-pendulum clock, promoted as “The Perfect Clock,” from the Horological Journal, March 1928.



ime must be measured carefully for navigation and finding position, and reliable clocks are essential. A perfect clock always keeps time to the second. But the second, the most basic subdivision of time, is an ideal standard, and no clock yet built can keep time perfectly. For a clock to measure the passage of time reliably, an important factor is the stability of its rate. Good clocks tick very consistently over long periods. Individual clocks used for navigation may tick at slightly different rates, so they may gain or lose time. As long as a clock ticks at a consistent rate that has been measured and recorded, it can be used with celestial sightings to determine position. Over the seven centuries since the mechanical clock was first invented, a timekeeper’s accuracy has been defined by its rate, an expression of how close it can get to keeping time to the ideal second, and its stability, how long it maintains the rate. The earliest clocks had such enormous errors that their dials often bore only one hand, for telling time to the closest hour. Clocks could count seconds only at the end of the seventeenth century, with the invention of the pendulum and the anchor escapement. Even John Harrison’s extraordinary sea clock H-4 had an error—on a voyage to Jamaica in 1761, it lost five seconds in six weeks, and on another to Barbados three years later, it gained thirtyeight seconds in seven weeks. As the twentieth century began, astronomical observatories installed the best mechanical clocks ever made, by Sigmund Riefler in Munich and by the Synchronome Company in London. Despite the



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